Who Pays My Medical Bills After an Accident?

Medical bills are a troubling issue for most individuals who have been involved in an accident that was not their fault. The emergency room hospital bills alone often add up to thousands of dollars. If you have been involved in an accident, a Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you deal with your medical issues, especially prior to settlement.

Thousand Oaks injury lawyer

Medical Bills in California

The insurance company for the party responsible for the accident should pay for all of your medical bills. This is why the state of California requires all motorists to carry liability insurance.

But before the case settles or goes to court, the only person responsible for your medical bills is you. If you do not have health insurance to help you pay your bills prior to settlement, your Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you create a medical lien, provided that you sign documents stating that you will pay the bills once your case has settled.

On the other hand, if you have health insurance, you should submit your medical bills for your insurance carrier to handle. In most cases, they will be reimbursed upon settlement of your personal injury claim.

We Are Here For You

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault and have incurred medical bills for your injuries, you should call Thousand Oaks injury lawyer Gary Mitchell at (888) 452-1846 to help you create a game plan to pay the bills until your case is settled.

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Who Pays My Medical Bills After an Accident?

Medical bills are a troubling issue for most individuals who have been involved in an accident that was not their fault. The emergency room hospital bills alone often add up to thousands of dollars. If you have been involved in an accident, a Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you deal with your medical issues, especially prior to settlement.

Medical Bills in California

The insurance company for the party responsible for the accident should pay for all of your medical bills. This is why the state of California requires all motorists to carry liability insurance.

But before the case settles or goes to court, the only person responsible for your medical bills is you. If you do not have health insurance to help you pay your bills prior to settlement, your Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you create a medical lien, provided that you sign documents stating that you will pay the bills once your case has settled.

On the other hand, if you have health insurance, you should submit your medical bills for your insurance carrier to handle. In most cases, they will be reimbursed upon settlement of your personal injury claim.

We Are Here For You

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault and have incurred medical bills for your injuries, you should call Thousand Oaks injury lawyer Gary Mitchell at (888) 452-1846 to help you create a game plan to pay the bills until your case is settled.

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Who Pays My Medical Bills After an Accident?

Medical bills are a troubling issue for most individuals who have been involved in an accident that was not their fault. The emergency room hospital bills alone often add up to thousands of dollars. If you have been involved in an accident, a Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you deal with your medical issues, especially prior to settlement.

Thousand Oaks injury lawyer

 Medical Bills in California

The insurance company for the party responsible for the accident should pay for all of your
medical bills. This is why the state of California requires all motorists to carry liability insurance. But before the case settles or goes to court, the only person responsible for your medical bills is you. If you do not have health insurance to help you pay your bills prior to settlement, your Thousand Oaks injury lawyer can help you create a medical lien, provided that you sign documents stating that you will pay the bills once your case has settled.

On the other hand, if you have health insurance, you should submit your medical bills for your insurance carrier to handle.  In most cases, they will be reimbursed upon settlement of your personal injury claim.

We Are Here For You

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault and have incurred medical bills for your injuries, you should call Thousand Oaks injury lawyer Gary Mitchell at (888) 452-1846 to help you create a game plan to pay the bills until your case is settled.

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What to Do At a Deposition

Being deposed is a nerve-wracking process for many individuals. But if you are properly prepared and know what to expect at the deposition, you will be more confident and more relaxed in properly answering the questions. Your Thousand Oaks injury lawyer will give you pointers and tell you what to expect at your deposition.

Thousand Oaks injury lawyer

What Is a Deposition?


A deposition is a question-answer session that typically takes place in an attorney’s office. The answers you provide at your deposition will be given under oath and may ultimately be used as evidence at trial. Therefore, it is very important that you honestly answer the questions and do not provide any incriminating evidence, to the best of your ability.

Tips & Pointers For a Successful Deposition

Your Thousand Oaks injury lawyer will want you to keep the following tips and pointers in mind during your deposition:

  • Do not answer a question unless you completely understand what is being asked
  • Carefully listen to every question
  • Maintain eye contact with the deposing attorney
  • If you do not know the answer to a question, say “I do not recall”
  • Be polite and courteous
  • Be honest in answering the questions, even if you think it will weaken your case
  • Do not argue with the deposing attorney
  • Be on time
  • Dress appropriately in business attire
  • Speak loud and clear because you are being transcribed

Call Us

For more information about preparing for your deposition or how to conduct yourself at your deposition, please call Thousand Oaks injury lawyer Gary Mitchell at 888-452-1846.

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Keeping a Personal Injury Journal

There are a number of helpful ways to document the incidents occurring after your accident. One way that has proven useful for a number of clients is to maintain a personal injury journal or diary detailing all the aspects of the case. If you are enduring significant medical testing and doctor visits, you should document each procedure in your journal. Your journal will be helpful to you when you take the stand in your personal injury trial as the rules of evidence permit witnesses to jog their memories if they cannot recall a certain event with specificity. Your  can help you start your personal injury journal and maintain each entry as your case continues.

If your injury does not manifest blatant physical symptoms, a journal is a very helpful way to document what you are feeling inside. It may be difficult for the jury to understand your pain level and experiences without the journal as you may “appear” healthy and strong. You should try to make an entry every day, if possible, and write down your aches and pains and how your condition is negatively impacting your life. If you have to miss work on a specific day due to your injuries, document this in the journal as well.

It is best to make journal entries in your own handwriting in the event you are unable to attend your trial and someone has to read your entries to the jury. The rules of evidence permit such reading as long as the handwriting can be property authenticated by one with knowledge of your handwriting. If you type your entries, it is impossible to testify to any degree of certainty who actually wrote the entries. Of course, if your injury precludes you from handwriting, it is still better to document your injuries in typeface than not at all.

If you have further questions about a personal injury diary or journal and would like to speak to a  about your condition, call the law office of Gary Mitchell at  805-449-4244 today.

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Your Conduct While Testifying in Court Can Affect Your Case

How you conduct yourself while testifying in court can make a big impression on both the judge and the jury. Therefore, it is imperative that you are well prepared for your day in court by knowing how you are expected to act and what you can do provide effective testimony that will help your case not hurt it. Your will provide you with tips that will help you to properly conduct yourself while giving a successful testimony.

One of the most important things you should keep in mind before answering a question is to listen carefully and completely understand what the question asks of you. If you are not clear as to what the opposing attorney is asking or if you simply did not hear the question, you should ask the attorney to either restate the question or repeat it more loudly and clearly. If the opposing attorney fails to do so, your Ventura County personal injury attorney may interject and help clarify the question asked of you.

Once you clearly understand the question, you need to make sure that you properly answer it. Only answer what the question is asking of you. You should never provide more information. For example, if you are asked a “when” question, you should only provide a “time” response.

Another important tip your Ventura County personal injury attorney will want to you to remember on the day of your testimony is to speak loud and clear. Remember, your testimony is being transcribed. Therefore, you should refrain from using body language, such as nodding or shaking your head or by using any other non-verbal response or hand gesture, in answering a question.

Lastly, you should never minimize your feeling regarding the accident or how the injuries you sustained from the accident affect your overall life and lifestyle. It is common for witnesses or victims to begin crying on the stand, especially if they are testifying about a particularly sensitive topic. In fact, your Ventura County personal injury attorney will encourage you to show your emotions, whether it is crying or getting upset, during your testimony. This is the only way the jury can see how the accident really affected you and your life.

If you have further questions and/or concerns regarding testifying in court, schedule a free consultation with an experienced  by contacting Gary Mitchell, Attorney at Law, at (805) 449-4244.

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Overview of Serious Injuries

If you’ve been involved in an accident and suffered a serious injury, you may be entitled to receive damages from the person responsible for the accident. A skilled Westlake Village personal injury attorney may be able to help you with your case.

A serious injury is distinguished from other types of injuries in that it is long-term or permanent in duration, and there is damage done to at least one body system, usually the central nervous system. As a result of a serious injury, the person may experience a decreased ability to communicate with others and a loss of bodily movement, sensations, or cognitive abilities. An unfortunate consequence of suffering from a serious injury is that the person is often so debilitated that he or she is unable to gainfully work over an extended period of time.

Serious injuries include brain damage or other head trauma, loss of the limbs, blindness, paralysis, severe burns, or multiple broken bones. There can be secondary effects of serious injuries, as well: if a disruption of your central nervous system results from your serious injury, you may experience failure or damage in other body systems, such as the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and the urinary system.

There are many different scenarios under which a serious injury may arise: car crashes, using a product that turns out to be defective, negligence on the part of others, assault or battery, environmental violations, medical malpractice, work-related injuries, even simple slip-and-fall accidents.

Serious injuries last for an extended time and are therefore more expensive and complex than lesser injuries. There are bills to pay for emergency room attention, hospitalization, medical attention, surgical procedures, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and counseling. The injured person must also take into account additional expenses that might be incurred from further injuries or unforeseen complications that later arise out of the serious injury.

If you’ve been in an accident and suffered a serious injury, you may be able to get compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. Get the help you need from a dedicated Westlake Village personal injury attorney. Gary Mitchell is an experienced personal injury attorney serving the areas of Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura County. Call today for a complimentary, risk-free consultation.

Gary Mitchell, Attorney at Law
Westlake Village Personal Injury Lawyer

4195 East Thousand Oaks Blvd Suite 240A
Westlake Village, California 91362

Phone: (805) 449-4243
Fax: (805) 449-4245

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Your First Consultation with Your Westlake Village Injury Attorney

During your first meeting with your Westlake Village Injury attorney, he or she will ask you about important details relating to the incident that caused your injury, your treatment, documentation of the incident, and other issues that may be crucial to obtaining a favorable outcome on your behalf.  In order to ensure your first consultation is as productive as possible, prepare yourself for it by taking the following steps:

  1. Compile documents relating to your injury and bring them with you.  Important documents your Westlake Village injury attorney may want to see include police reports, photographs of your injuries and/or property damage, correspondence sent to or received from insurance companies, and, if you were injured in a car accident in which you were a driver, proof that you possessed car insurance at the time of the crash.  YourWestlakeVillage injury attorney may also want to see your medical records at the first consultation, but you probably do not need to bring them unless he or she requests that you do.
  2. Review the facts of the incident that caused your injuries.  YourWestlakeVillage injury lawyer will want to know how the incident happened, who was involved, how the involved parties behaved, who witnessed the incident, where the incident happened, etc.  Review any notes or diary entries you made about the incident prior to your consultation to refresh your memory.
  3. Think about your goals for the case.  YourWestlakeVillage injury lawyer’s primary concern will be tailoring his or her representation to meet your goals.  For instance, if you are sure you want your claim wrapped up as quickly as possible, even if it means accepting a lower settlement offer, your attorney needs to know that fact.

Over the course of your representation, you will have ample opportunity to communicate with your Westlake Village injury lawyer, and you do not need to be overly concerned with being completely prepared for your initial consultation; however, the more prepared you are, the more quickly your Westlake Village injury lawyer can begin building your case.  For a free consultation, please contact Westlake Village injury lawyer Gary Mitchell, Esq. at (805) 449-4243.

Gary Mitchell, Attorney at Law
Westlake Village injury lawyer

4195 East Thousand Oaks Blvd Suite 240A
Westlake Village, California 91362

Phone: (805) 449-4243
Fax: (805) 449-4245

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Case Evaluation Checklist

Case Evaluation Checklist

In any personal injury case, there are number of key points to review to determine the strength and likelihood of success of the claim. If you are interested in speaking with a Westlake Village injury attorney about your recent personal injury, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. The following are important to consider, as they will help you evaluate your case. They will also help your Westlake Village injury attorney determine if your case is likely to win favor with a jury or invoke a settlement from the insurance companies.

– What kind of impression will the plaintiff make on the jury? Jurors are human and subject to feeling emotions about plaintiffs and defendants. This could have a significant impact on the outcome of your trial.

– What are the potential theories of liability, including potential problems with each theory? Does the jurisdiction have case law precedent to support each theory?

– What defenses is the defendant likely to invoke?

– Will this case require the retention of an expert witness? Expert witnesses are costly but can help convince the jury of the client’s position.

– Has the client submitted all appropriate documents? Medical records, tax information, pay stubs, etc.?

– Was an accident report submitted? Is it included in the evidence file?

– Is the client capable of withstanding the rigors of discovery and a trial, if necessary? Is the client planning to leave the jurisdiction anytime in the near future?

These are a few of the evaluating factors used by a Westlake Village injury attorney to determine the strength of your case. For more information or to speak to a Westlake Village injury attorney, contact the law office of Gary Mitchell at 805-449-4243.

Gary Mitchell, Attorney at Law
Westlake Village injury attorney

4195 East Thousand Oaks Blvd Suite 240A
Westlake Village, California 91362

Phone: (805) 449-4243
Fax: (805) 449-4245

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Describing Your Pain in a Personal Injury Journal

Describing Your Pain in a Personal Injury Journal

Individuals who have been hurt in an accident will probably be asked by their Westlake Village injury attorney to keep a personal injury diary, the purpose of which is to completely document and put into plain words how you have been affected by your injuries, as well as to make note of the amount of pain and discomfort that you experience on an everyday basis.

A good, helpful journal will contain a comprehensive description of exactly how you feel, beginning from when you first get up in the morning and continuing all the way until the time that you lie down at night. The journal should also include the particulars about how your injuries have affected or changed your overall way of life. Your Westlake Village injury attorney will also tell you that since the law accounts for an individual’s right to just compensation for pain and suffering, the ways in which your pain, suffering, and injuries affect your general disposition, job performance, and even your marital dealings will be very important to your case.

As you continue to make notes in your journal, you should make certain that you are sharing your genuine feelings in your own words and not the words of a doctor or other practitioner, particularly when providing details about your pain and suffering. Additionally, you should be sure to write in your journal every day in the same way that you would if you were not using it as part of litigation.

Furthermore, you should also note each and every body part that has any type of pain and/or discomfort. Of course, you are the person who completely knows your own body and, accordingly, you should have the ability to express how every part of it feels on a daily basis. You should also make note of whether or not you have any issues with moving particular body parts and whether or not you have any level of pain when you use that part of the body throughout your daily routine or during social activities.

If you have been hurt and you believe that you would benefit from the services of a Westlake Village injury attorney, please call Gary Mitchell at (888) 452-1846 for a free consultation.

Gary Mitchell, Attorney at Law
Westlake Village Personal Injury Lawyer

4195 East Thousand Oaks Blvd Suite 240A
Westlake Village, California 91362

Phone: (805) 449-4243
Fax: (805) 449-4245

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